Music is an art. An art is that medium which
attempts to imitate reality. This imitation can be of two basic types:
the first is precise such that the result of the art is known as real
directly. In visual art, for example, a painted portrait of a person
would resemble the person quite exactly. The identity of the person
would be preserved as would the most prominent attributes, allowing
easy recognition. The second type of imitation in art is not precise
such as an impressionistic or a surrealistic
In classical composing, this composer chooses to reflect upon the natural sounds to be heard in a wood, by a pond, by a stream or on a mountain where the wind in the trees and the distinctive music of the creatures may create a symphonic truth, a presence or a reality so glorious to existence that only beautiful melodies and perfect harmonics can attempt to imitate the subjective reality gleaned from that nature's exposition of sound. The language of music has the power to depict and to capture the presence of a mountain, a tree or a lake as a mere entity. This composer finds great inspiration in reflecting as well upon the dynamics of action in nature wherein one interacts with the beautiful surround. In the wondrous ski world, say, where harmony and equalization with winter are realized, the sonorous classical music style addresses with rhythms, topical themes and resounding melodies a skier in devoted action, skiing on the mountain of winter.
One can query as to how such
depiction can occur with such a diffuse, indirect language as music if
one accepts music as a language in the first place. For unlike visual
perception wherein we Thus, classical music not only pleases the mind but also can portray the reality that is nature. Indeed, classical music is endowed with the potential mode of ineffable abstract elevation whereupon much like equations sheer ideation and conceptual complacency ascend unto a soaring platform for musical artistry. Whether ethereal or bucolic, t ![]() The Composer who cares, Marilynn Stark
Please visit the eStore by requesting a password through the form below from the Webmaster. There you will find a list of music compositions by me, including the first CD album ever to come across the Internet through my desktop publishing. This album, Sonorous Aviations, is comprised of my more recent compositions. Other music selections on audio tapes are also available for your perusal. PASSWORD GATE ![]() Please may I welcome you to the inner circle by way of my mailing list. Visit the mailing list form below and subscribe to this Web site, for which you will receive newsletters and certain updates. By joining this mailing list you will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of this Web site. May I encourage you to do so on the behalf of all. Thank you.
Visit Music & Vision: the world's first daily classical news magazine Update on On Skiing: The Metaphysics is a new Web page which includes the Sanskrit. Also, a new epic poem just opened and is called : Freedom Camp. Hint: go to for free URL submission.
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©2000-2012 By Marilynn Stark All Rights Reserved Date last edited: 02/24/2012 02:26 AM